ESE Services

Exceptional Student Services (ESE) are available to assist students who may be:

  • Educable Mentally Handicapped
  • Specific Learning Disabled
  • Emotionally Handicapped
  • Trainable Mentally Handicapped
  • Profoundly Mentally Handicapped
  • Visually Impaired
  • Language Impaired
  • Hearing Impaired
  • Speech Impaired
  • Physically Impaired
  • Autustic
  • Gifted

For more information, please visit the Santa Rosa County Schools' website:

Exceptional Student Education - Santa Rosa County Schools (

ACCESS STANDARDS - Holley-Navarre Middle is proud to service students and families that require additional educational needs including alternative standards. This service is based on state eligibility criteria and the Individual Education Plan (IEP) for each student and exact placement within these classrooms is a school and/or county decision. The goal is to help students with more intensive needs receive the modified education they require to become successful communicators, build educational foundations, and gain independent functioning skills. Holley-Navarre Middle has opened their hearts to students who have higher needs by building four classrooms where the students can have the support at the level they need it. With these four classrooms comes collaboration of teachers and skills to help the students make gains and build a future of possibilities.

The social thinking program helps students to make sense of other’s thoughts, feelings, and intentions during different social situations and how to respond in a socially acceptable manner. Social thinkers within Holley-Navarre Middle School are students who have classes with their peers of the same age group but need additional support for the social aspects of their academic day. The social aspects can be rather difficult for students who have been diagnosed with Autism, and this challenge can make navigating academics difficult. Not all students who have the diagnosis of Autism need this particular classroom, however, the design of this room is to help support students during times with their peers and provide a class where social strategies and needs are addressed to help them learn social skills and support the core academic class. Placement and support are always a team decision made within the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or can be the recommendation from the county up enrolling at Holley-Navarre Middle.

The GOALS Classroom is another classroom where higher support is provided for students who don’t need modifications. The support of this group is based on the social and emotional needs of the student. They spend time in classes with their peers, but frustration levels and learning/utilizing coping strategies support is where this classroom comes into support students. The teacher and staff build rewards/ reward system and support to help students independently use the skills needed to maintain class with their peers. This classroom offers a large variety of support that is based on the student needs outlined in their Individual Educational Plan (IEP). The social/emotional and independent functioning goals on the IEP help to determine placement of this type of support, but also allows for team’s decisions during an IEP meeting. Most, but not all, students with emotional and social needs also participate in a class where academic support and social/emotional strategies are taught. This helps to provide a safe space for students to manage the demands of their day while still getting support for their emotional and academic needs.