Collection Development Plan

a month ago

Holley-Navarre Middle School Collection Development Plan

Mission Statement

The mission of the Holley-Navarre Middle School Media Center is to provide a student-centered, equitable access learning space, rich with relevant literature and innovative technological practices. The promotion of literacy and the effective processing of ideas and information for empowering both students and faculty is the heart of our library media program.

Population Demographics

Non-Title 1 School

Number of Students: 830

Number of Teachers: 48

Enrollment by Grade


Number of Students










Additional Information

Student Status

Economically Disadvantaged


Current English Language Learners


Students with Disabilities


Military Family Students


Homeless Students



Library Programming Offered

  • Curated calendar of engaging and interactive monthly events designed to pique student and staff interest
  • School-wide contests designed to increase engagement and circulation
  • Daily closed-circuit news program highlighting important school events and special-interest programming
  • Book Fair
  • Literacy Week programming aligned with state-wide literacy initiatives
  • Instructional Technology support for faculty and staff
  • Testing support
  • Library website to include focused, relevant and age-appropriate content that aligns with Florida B.E.S.T. standards
  • Collaboration with teachers across the disciplines
  • Formal and information instruction on finding information and using effective research skills


Santa Rosa County School District Mission and Vision

SRC District Mission

To love, educate, and prepare all students for graduation and a successful future.

SRC District Vision

To provide an environment that fosters each learner's potential, equips students for academic excellence, and promotes lifelong learning

HNMS Media Center Collection Analysis



Collection Development Plan

Priorities based on collection analysis, population, and school curriculum.

*In Santa Rosa County, the selection of materials is done in accordance with Board adopted guideline Policy 4.22 as well as the Florida State Statues. Evaluative criteria for the selection/removal of materials include the needs of Holley-Navarre Middle School based on knowledge of curriculum, ability level and interest level of patrons, popular demand, suitability of materials, budget, and the existing library holdings.


Primary Focus

  • Weeding nonfiction/reference; purchase relevant fiction and non-fiction.
  •  Appropriate for the various reading levels to meet the informational and interest needs of all students
  • Pertinent to the curriculum/instructional programs and Florida State Standards
  • Accurate in content and objectively shared viewpoints
  • Diverse in cultures and global perspectives
  • Free of bias and stereotype
  • Representative of differing viewpoints on controversial issues
  • Available in a variety of formats to meet the learning needs of our diverse student population
  • Recent copyright date as appropriate to the content
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Appropriate for our students with special needs

Book Requests

Teacher and student recommendations are an important part of the selection process. Teachers may email requests to the media specialist, and students may use the book request Microsoft Form link as well as the QR code at the media center’s circulation desk. A Consideration File for Future Orders is maintained at the circulation desk.


2023-2024 Book Purchases

  •  Sunshine State Novels 2023-2024
  • Latest fiction, emphasis on adding mystery fiction
  • Student requests
  • Nonfiction for research and student interest

Collection 5-Year Schedule: Purchasing Plan


  • SSYRA novels
  • Current fiction with emphasis in historical fiction and mystery
  • Nonfiction with emphasis in sports, cooking, computer coding
  • Update new titles in graphic novel series and lost/damaged graphic novels
  • New biographies and new people of interest to students
  • 500s (Science)



  • SSYRA novels
  • Current fiction with focus on humor fiction; newest items in popular series
  • Update new titles in graphic novel series and lost/damaged graphic novels
  • New biographies and new people of interest to students
  • 400s (Languages)



  • SSYRA novels
  • Current fiction with focus on dystopian fiction; newest items in popular series
  • Update new titles in graphic novel series and lost/damaged graphic novels
  • New biographies and new people of interest to students
  • 700s (Arts & Recreation)



  • SSYRA novels
  • Current fiction with focus on historical fiction; newest items in popular series
  • Update new titles in graphic novel series and lost/damaged graphic novels
  • 900s (History & Geography)
  • Look for new biographies and new people of interest to students



SSYRA novels

Current fiction with focus on science fiction; newest items in popular series

Update new titles in graphic novel series and lost/damaged graphic novels

100s (Computer Science, Information & General Works)

New biographies and new people of interest to students

Challenged Books Plan

Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons with objections to instructional or media materials must follow the guidelines in Santa Rosa County School Board Policy 4.22


Weeded Priorities: Five Year Plan

  • 2023-24: 000-400s, Outdated/worn titles and duplicates, titles not circulating, biography
  • 2024-25: 500s/600s, Outdated/worn titles and duplicates, Easy books
  • 2025-26: 700s/800s, Outdated/worn titles and duplicates, titles not circulating
  • 2026-27: 900s/Fiction, Outdated/worn titles and duplicates, Young Adult
  • 2027-28: Graphic novels/Teacher Resources, Outdated/worn titles and duplicates, titles not circulating


Gifts and Donated Books

The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information, the media specialist may dispose of them as he/she sees fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied to purchased materials are applied to gifts. It is desirable for gifts or for specific titles to be offered after consultation with the media specialist. Book selection will be made by the media specialist if no specific book is requested. The Holley-Navarre Middle School Media Center encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.


Weeding Library Media Materials

At Holley-Navarre Middle School, the CREW* method is used to determine what should be withdrawn from the collection: Continuous Review, Evaluation and Weeding. The criteria considered when weeding the collection include age, circulation, physical condition, curriculum, bias, and obsolete formats.


Weeding Evaluation Checklist

  • How often has it been used in the last three years?          
  • Is it useful to students and teachers?
  • Is it in poor condition?   
  • Is there another copy?
  • Does it contain inaccurate, outdated information?           
  • Is the information available in other formats?
  • Is the information or title available in other locations?
  • Is the tone condescending or biased?     
  • Is the information unique in any way?
  • Does it promote stereotypes?    
  • Is it of local or regional interest?
  • Is the reading level appropriate for our students?             
  • Is there a newer edition?
  • Is it relevant to our curriculum? 
  • Is it listed in any core collections, indexes, or recommended lists?
  •  Is the format appropriate?          
  • Is it an award winner or a classic?


* Less Is More: A Practical Guide to Weeding School Library Media Collections by Donna Baumbach and Linda Miller, p. 14.