VISION: The vision for Holley Navarre Middle School is to strive to create a positive atmosphere that encourages its students to work confidently towards reaching their potential by becoming critical thinkers and life-long learners.  

MISSION: Holley Navarre Middle School is committed to providing the skills necessary for our students to compete both academically and technologically in the 21st century global community.  Our mission will be accomplished through the collaboration of parents, teachers, students and community members.  

  1. Holley Navarre Middle School will establish a school advisory council as required by Section 1001.452(1), Florida Statutes, and Santa Rosa County School Board policy relative to the establishing of school advisory councils. 


  1. The purpose of responsibility of the Council – The School Advisory Council shall: 


  1.  Review the results of any needs assessments conducted by the school administration. 


  1. Assist in the development of the school improvement plan and provide recommendations on specific components of the plan, such as budget, training, technology, staffing, student support services, and other indicators of school and student progress, as well as strategies and evaluation procedures to measure student performance.  


  1. Define adequate progress for each school goal, obtain public input when defining adequate progress for school goals, negotiate the definition of adequate progress with the School Board and notify and request assistance from the School Board when the school fails to make adequate progress in any single goal area. 


  1. Monitor students’ and school‘s progress in attaining goals and evaluate the appropriateness of the indicators of student progress and strategies and evaluation procedures, which are selected to measure performance. 


  1. Prepare and distribute information to the public to report the status of implementing the school improvement plan, the performance of students and educational programs, and progress in accomplishing the school goals. 


  1. Make recommendations on the accumulation and reporting of data that is beneficial to parents. 


  1. Serve as a resource for the principal and advise the principal in matters pertaining to the school’s program. 


  1. Provide input on the school’s annual budget and approve use of school improvement funds. 


  1. Make recommendations on the waiver of Florida Statues or State Board of Education Rules, which allow school personnel to establish innovative education practices and methods. 


  1. Inquire about school matters, identify problems, propose solutions to problems, suggest changes, and inform the community about the school.  Determine the programs or projects to be funded by school improvement funds. The school principal may not override the recommendations of the school advisory council for the expenditure of school improvement funds. 


  1. Act as liaison between the school and community. 


  1. Identify other duties and functions of the school advisory council. 


  1.  Council Membership 


  1.  Composition of Council:  A majority of the members (51% or greater) must be persons who are not employed by the school site. 


  1. The Holley Navarre Middle School council shall consist of a minimum of nine members with an optimum number being twenty.  The membership will be made up as follows: 


  1. Principal 


  1. 4-6 Parents  


  1. 4 Teacher Representatives 


  1. 2 Non-Instructional Representative 


  1. 3-6 Community/Business Members  

*Note:  The members are all voting members with the exception that the individual selected as the chair will only vote when a tie exists in the voting by the remaining membership. 

     C.  Length of terms of Members: 

Parents – Two years (minimum) 

Teacher Representatives – Two years (minimum) 

Non-Instructional – Two years (minimum) 

Community/Business Members – One Year (minimum) 

Note #1:  The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will serve terms with the understanding that the Vice-Chairperson will rotate into the Chairmanship.  Because of the increased complexity of educational related issues terms for the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will not be limited.  A commitment of at least two years on the SAC is necessary for anyone accepting these positions.  There will also be an option to provide for a parent who may have served his or her two years on the council but would like to assume the position of Chairperson for the following year.  This option could be exercised if there is no Vice-Chairperson in place, or the Vice-Chair does not wish to return, a new election will occur for this position. 

Note #2:  Persons may be re-elected for another term.  In the event that an officer does not return, a new election will occur for this position.  

  •  Procedures for elections of council members by peer groups: 
  1.  During the first month of the school year, the principal will solicit nominees from these peer groups.  The Chairperson of the SAC will contact all nominees for the purpose of gaining confirmation of an acceptance or rejection of the nomination.  A minimum one teacher per grade level is required.  Submissions must be approved by the SAC committee. Each representative will serve a minimum two-year term, thus providing continuity in instructional representation. 


  1. Non-Instructional personnel – These representative will be approved by the SAC committee. 


  1. Parents – During the first month of the school year, parent names will be solicited by the principal by an all call to the parents and during the open house for those parent vacancies to be filled on the SAC.  If the solicitation results in more than 6 parents being on the SAC a vote of parents will be taken to fill the open positions.  Those names will then be submitted to the School Advisory Council.  The council will then approve members based on the number of vacancies available. This will take place during the September meeting.  Chairperson will be in charge of all election notification.  Nominees that are not elected will automatically serve as alternates.  A list of all alternate nominees and election results will be kept in the official SAC book maintained by the Secretary of the SAC.  This list will be used in the event that a parent cannot fulfill the two-year term.   These candidates will be invited to all SAC Meetings and be encouraged to provide input at the meeting. 


  1.  Community/Business Members – During the first month of each school year, the school principal, along with the SAC Chairperson, shall compile a list of candidates who are interested in serving on the School Advisory Council.  The principal and the SAC Chairperson will submit the list of nominees to the SAC for approval.  After Council approval, the Vice-Chairperson will notify the approved persons of the results and details of the first meeting. 


  1. If a member is unable to complete his term for any reason, another person will be recommended by that member’s peer group and approved by the SAC. 


  1.  The principal shall submit the list of Council members to the Superintendent for review by the second Monday in September of each school fiscal year. 


  1.  Attendance 


  1.  Members are expected to attend scheduled meetings.  Any member who has three (3) unexcused absences will be contacted by the Chairperson to review their SAC commitment.  If it is determined that the member cannot fulfill their SAC term, an alternate will be selected by SAC in rank of order from the Alternate’s list. 


  1. Any member who has been replaced by an alternate may appeal to the SAC to be reinstated by submitting a written appeal to the Council Chair within two (2) weeks of removal.  The Chair will then present the appeal to the full Council.  A unanimous vote of the voting members present will be required for reinstatement.  


  1.  Officers 


  1.  Officers of the School Advisory Council will include: 


  1.  Chairperson 


  1. Vice Chairperson 


  1. Recording Secretary 


  1. Procedures for election of officers: 


  1.  September being the first meeting of the School Advisory Council, the Chairperson will accept nominations-at-large for the Vice chairman office that needs to be filled.  Roll call voting will ensue when nominations cease.  The person with the highest number of votes from the Council membership will take office.  It must be understood that the Vice Chairperson will rotate into the chairmanship upon the resignation of the Chairman.  With Holley Navarre Middle School being a three (3) year school, it is conceivable that a member would serve in a parent member capacity for three (3) years, Vice Chair no limit, and Chairperson no limit.  The Council will seek continuity on the Council from each year whenever possible. 


  1. During the first meeting of the SAC for the new school year the Chair will accept nominations for Recording Secretary to serve one or more years, depending on the term of the member. 


  1.  Duties and Responsibilities of Officers: 


  1.  The Chairperson shall preside over meetings, prepare agendas, and make copies necessary for meetings. 


  1. The Vice Chairperson shall preside in the absence of the Chairperson, assist the Chairperson in all duties, prepare the meeting room, and oversee election notifications. 


  1. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes of each meeting session, maintain minutes and other pertinent documentation for reference and audit purposes, read minutes at subsequent meetings, and take roll. 


  1. The School Advisory Council officers shall be subject to maintaining records pursuant to Article I, Section 24, and Article VII, Section 20 of the Florida Constitution 


  1.  Meetings 


  1.  Votes may only be taken if a quorum is present. (A quorum is defined as a majority of the membership of the Council.) 


  1. At least three-day written, advance notice must be given to all Council members when a matter is coming before the Council that requires a vote. 


  1. Meetings will be scheduled at least quarterly or as needed during the school year.  Additional meetings will be called by the Executive Committee (Officers) as needed. 


  1. An agenda for the meeting will be established at least seven (7) days in advance of each meeting.  The agendas should be made available for the public in the front office of the school and on the school website. 


  1. School Advisory Council meetings will be advertised at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.  The means of advertisement may include the school web page, local newspaper, school newsletter, and/or the callout system if available.  The advertisement shall be the responsibility of the Principal. 


  1. All meetings will be open to the public and will follow Robert’s Rules of Order Guidelines. 


  1. Meetings must have minutes recorded. 

VII.  School A+ Bonus  

  1.  A+ Bonus Committee make up will be: 1) Chairman:  SAC chairman; 2) Teacher committee members:  One person per department that will be picked by the Department chair (Total of 5).  (Note:  Teacher of the year will represent that department); 3) Non-Instructional:  Bookkeeper will nominate 2 Non-Instructional staff plus Non-Instructional employee of the year (Total of 3). 


  1. Chairman will be the deciding vote if necessary. 


  1. Committee will convene and vote on two A+ distribution options of which one of the options must be from the last receiving A+ distribution year.  These two options will then be presented to the staff to vote on.   


  1. Voting:  


  1. The Chairman will send out an email to the staff notifying them of the two options they will vote on, location of the ballot box with sign off and when the voting will begin and end.  


  1. The Bookkeeper will make up the ballots and a sign off sheet.  The Bookkeeper will then place the ballots in the staff’s mailbox and position the voting ballot box in guidance with a sign off sheet when the voting occurs.  This ensures that the voting box is under video surveillance. 


  1. Staff will be given a minimum of 48 hours to vote on their choice. 


  1. Results will be counted by the chairman and the bookkeeper.   The Chairman will then send out an email to the staff on the results of the voting and what will be presented to the School Advisory Committee for approval. 


  1. Revision and approval of Bylaws 


  1.  Any bylaws may be subject to review and revision by the School Advisory Council. 


  1. Proposed Bylaws must be submitted to the School Board for approval prior to being implemented. 

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Chairperson Joie DeStefano, Principal